Megan Schulte is a fourth grade teacher at Saluda Elementary School in Saluda, South Carolina. Megan not only teaches her students the standards put forth by the state, she teaches the child as a whole.
When asked to describe Megan in one word, teachers and staff at Saluda Elementary responded:
Holly Brazell, Assistant Principal-- “SPUNKY”
Megan creates a learning environment that is full of fun, experiments, and hands-on learning that is engaging for all her students.
Jaylon Key-Lott, fourth grade teacher----”CHARISMATIC”
Megan inspires others to greatness. She has a magnetism that lures students and teachers alike into her path.
Kourtney Shaw, fifth grade teacher---”DETERMINED”
Megan assesses her kids and works tirelessly to provide meaningful lessons and support for each and every one.
Jonathan Gortman, Newberry College student teacher---”COMPASSIONATE”
Megan has a heart for Saluda and the students in Saluda. She meets the educational needs of our students as well as their emotional well being. When kids talk, she truly listens and responds.
Jessica Jennings, fourth grade teacher---”HELPFUL”
Megan can be seen daily in other’s classrooms, gathered in planning sessions across grade levels and supporting her PRIDE group.
Alyssa Ball, Newberry College student teacher---”BIG HEART”
To meet Megan is a look into her soul. She has a BIG heart for kids. Her kids, your kids, our kids, Saluda’s kids.
Jessica Wash, fourth grade teacher---”INSPIRATIONAL”
Notes in boxes, surprise cupcakes, secret pals, private conversations are just a few ways that Megan inspires others. She is the epitome of the quote from Ghandi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Kelsey Bradham, Newberry College student teacher--- “HOSPITABLE”
Even though Megan is fairly new to Saluda, she can be found welcoming guests, new teachers, student teachers, and parents into our school.
Morgan Rhoney, third grade teacher--”CREATIVE”
Creativity doesn’t wait until that “perfect moment.” Creativity is ‘intelligence having fun.’ Megan can be seen daily having fun with her colleagues and students. Everyday is a great day for Megan.
Kaylee Palmer. Third grade teacher--”INNOVATIVE”
Megan is always trying new ways to engage her students. From Bitmojis, non fiction surgeries, capturing shadows, to recording live bedtime stories for her students, she reaches her kids’ hearts and minds.
Marcie Enlow, Principal--- “FAMILY”
Megan’s classroom is a warm and inviting place for her students to feel safe and loved. Megan stepped foot into Saluda Elementary just over a year ago and has made her way into our hearts. She has become not only an amazing teacher and colleague, she has become family.
For Megan, her passion and being is making a difference in the lives of everyone she touches. She is the epitome of a true educator.